Kwik-Bond Commercial Floor Repair Products

Prepare Concrete for Sealing

Since polished industrial concrete floors are susceptible to damage that includes scratches and scuffs, and scrapes, it is vital to utilize concrete sealant as a protection method. Using a sealant on your polished concrete floors can help to protect them and extend their overall lifespan.

Concrete Floor Sealing in Warehouse Protect Floors

Preparing the Floor’s Surface

It is essential to understand how to prepare your polished concrete floor to apply the sealant correctly. This preparation should include the removal of all furnishing and cleaning all surfaces so that no dirt remains.

Clean all spills with cleaning products designed to remove them. The area of the floor that will have sealant applied must dry completely before moving forward. It is also vital to repair any cracks that are present in the polished concrete floor. You can use our industrial-strength concrete crack repair products to repair them in as little as an hour.

More Tips to Use When Applying Sealer

A few additional tips related to this topic include:

  • Use a commercial power washer for outdoor concrete surfaces.
  • Ensure that there is a minimum temperature of 50 degrees while applying the sealant.
  • Maintain the temperature in the room for up to 24 hours or the recommended drying time of the sealant.

How Concrete Floor Sealer Affects Maintenance Requirements

The use of a concrete floor sealer affects the maintenance requirements for your industrial floor. One of the factors that are involved here is the type of sealer used. In industrial concrete floors, it is an excellent move to utilize a stain protector that penetrates. They will offer superior protection when it comes to repelling liquids.

The use of diamond pads on your concrete floors can help with the enhancement of natural shine. They can also help to prepare a floor for the application of a sealer product.

Find Out More About Industrial Concrete Sealer Products

Find out more about the industry’s best industrial concrete sealer product, called Repore, by contacting our team here at Capital Industries. We are ready to answer any of your questions that you have about your order. Let our team show you why we have such a strong reputation for outstanding customer service.

Call KwikBond for Industrial Concrete Repair Products